Dear Customers,
Following the evolution of the Coronavirus crisis we are diligently contributing to the efforts of all to stop the spread of Covid-19. Duoson Multimedia is aware of the current risks related to the organization of public gatherings. We are currently taking all necessary steps with our staff to put in place a strict protocol for cleaning the equipment. All technical equipment will be disinfected after each use.
To this effect, as a safety measure, we wish to inform you that any Duoson employee returning from abroad will be in isolation for a period of at least 14 days as a preventive measure. Therefore, if any member of our team should show symptoms similar to Covid-19, they will be immediately returned home.
Also, be aware that we offer webcasting options that could be a useful solution to replace your traditional meetings. I invite you to join us, we will find the solutions for you.
Duoson Multimedia Inc. remains open despite the exceptional prevailing situation.
In case of need, refer to your salesperson / technician who will be there to assist you in applying the necessary standards for your protection.
Thank you